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Na Bougainville, a criança acompanha o ciclo das árvores frutíferas desde a florada até a maturação e colheita das frutas, vê os pássaros construindo seus ninhos e, depois, todas as fases até o nascimento dos filhotes, observa plantas e pequenos insetos.
É nessa convivência diária que ela aprende a amar e respeitar a natureza.


Aulas de culinária vegana para uma alimentação saudável e inclusiva com o objetivo de atender às necessidades alimentares de crianças com intolerância a lactose e ovo.


A música é usada como ferramenta de autoconhecimento. Aprender a sentir/ouvir a nós mesmos e o colegas, acolher e nomear nossos sentimentos e emoções, aprender a esperar nossa vez com atenção ao movimento do grupo, trabalhar nossa concentração e criatividade são alguns dos benefícios diretos que a música nos oferece.
As crianças aprendem a língua inglesa de forma divertida unindo a música e brincadeiras.

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Para uma educação infantil divertida e saudável:
  • Ambiente amigável e acolhedor
  • Ampla área verde com árvores frutíferas
  • Agenda digital para acompanhamento dos pais
  • Aulas de música
  • Aulas de culinária vegana
  • Aulas de copoeira
  • Aulas de movimento

If you are a newbie to managing a WordPress website, then congratulations! You are here at the right track with us because we are going to introduce you one of the most basic knowledge when owning a WordPress page: how to find your site the best WordPress Hosting service. This process is often overlooked by most of the website owners. But it can be considered the most important key point to bring your site to stand out of the crowd. A great hosting service could help you to improve SEO and increase sales as well.

But first thing first, what is a hosting? Well, basically it is a space that contains all the data related to your website such as your source codes, uploaded contents (images, sounds and other media) and your database. Imagine your site is a mixture of juices and a jar can be considered a hosting.

I’m a Copywriter in a Digital Agency, I was searching for courses that’ll help me broaden my skill set. Before signing up for Rob’s course I tried many web development courses, but no course comes.

If you are a newbie to managing a WordPress website, then congratulations! You are here at the right track with us because we are going to introduce you one of the most basic knowledge when owning a WordPress page: how to find your site the best WordPress Hosting service. This process is often overlooked by most of the website owners. But it can be considered the most important key point to bring your site to stand out of the crowd. A great hosting service could help you to improve SEO and increase sales as well.

But first thing first, what is a hosting? Well, basically it is a space that contains all the data related to your website such as your source codes, uploaded contents (images, sounds and other media) and your database. Imagine your site is a mixture of juices and a jar can be considered a hosting.

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